Sunday, September 24, 2006

But first...the rules

Every proper experiment has ground rules, no?

Here are mine:

1. Every word of the story must change.
2. Each word can only be changed once. If I make a change and it takes me in the wrong direction, I can't go back and fix it.
3. For the purposes of this experiment, when it comes to verbs, a 'word' includes both the main verb and the helping verb and/or other particles that give the verb meaning, tense, etc. For example, I can change 'had gone' to 'will run'--this counts as one word.
4. Punctuation...hmmm...what should I do about punctuation? I think the only way I'll have a fighting chance is to exclude punctuation from the one-a-day rule. This means that I can adjust punctuation along with any single word change. However, I can't edit a punctuation change once I've made it.
5. Changes will be indicated with bolded text.
6. I reserve the right to add new rules as challenges present themselves, but I won't contravene existing rules.
7. (Added Oct. 2) I may take the occasional weekend off...


Blogger ni_de_montreal said...

Does this mean that the one word, however many times it appears in the story, will change in each of its instances, or just the one you choose?

I await this with baited breath.

Oh, and I wrote a witty comment to your wonderful s/holic post the other day, but blogger, the bugger, ate it up. no heart to recompose it :(

11:18 PM  
Blogger whyioughtta said...

Hey, how'd you find me? I'm not linking from my other blogs...trying to keep this one on the down-low.

Just the one instance of one word will change each day.

I'm going to start now.

6:40 PM  
Blogger ni_de_montreal said...

i found you from your 'complete profile' in which you don't necessarily need to divulge this blog, you know..? You can go to 'settings' I think and disable this listing as part of your 'profile'.
Cool idea, S! I won't peek anymore until further notice :)

12:11 PM  
Blogger whyioughtta said...

No you can totally peek! I just wanted to keep the projects separate, or something...gonna go check that profile thingy. Please, peek! Regularly!

1:19 PM  
Blogger angrycandy said...

it's linked on your blog in your text...but i wanna peek too! but you might want to disable it cause everyone can peek...

4:13 PM  
Blogger whyioughtta said...

yeah, i changed my mind about the secrecy of this operation...hence the post about it on my blog.

public humiliation is my thing, after all! my 'expertise,' if you will.

5:37 PM  

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